Sunday, June 29, 2008

Finally got a new monitor - getting hammered on cake

so last week I decided to pick up a monitor - I ended up getting a 19 inch LG for 200 from best buy....with that i grabbed a mouse and went to work...the new monitor makes such a difference -now i can 10-12 table with cake games in the mix and not have to worry about constantly timing out...overall I think its a great investment and going to make me alot of money down the road....

as far as poker, ive getting raped on cake and doing pretty good on ap. I think im down 1600-1800 the past week or two playing 78s on cake, running terribly.....ap has been going well, basically cancelling out this cake downswing and making me some money, although ive been missing the big mtt cashes excited about july since my rakeback site will now be offering 2k to first in the ap rake race, and 1200 to 1st in the cake rake race, so im hoping to make some bank off of that and some TLB me

Friday, June 20, 2008

back from vacation, made some money

Had a great vacation in St Martin this past first I was skeptical - driving by the villages and the town, everything was really run down and our hotel was about 30 minutes away from the action....The hotel turned out to be amazing, and we ended up having a great time....Nothing like relaxing on the beach in the carribean or tearing it up on a jetski in a beautiful location.....

On Wednesday I got back to the action.....Wed/Thurs was uneventful, breaking even, but today turned out to be a +4k day after a 20r victory and running well in sngs on both cake/ap....its crazy how quick mtts can turn - in the 20r i was down to 1200 chips at 150/300 early on after 2 pair ran into a set on the turn......somehow i chipped up from there and had a huge 3 way all in suckout with qq to put me in great position....feels good to get a decent mtt hit since its been a while.....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

just woke up and making a post

so last month turned out to be somewhat profitable - not sure exactly how much I made but roughly around 12k give or take 1k....June has started off in the red with a -2k swing the past couple days, but Im about to clear a 3k arp bonus on ap and recieve 700 from the rake race, so that should help things out....cake is still in the red but hopefully this month I can start turning a profit.....Im gonna try to knock out 40-45 hours this week since Ill be on vacation 12th-17th