Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nov coming to an end - where has this year gone?

It seems like the year has flew by. I remember in highschool thinking each week was way too long, now it seems like these months go by like crazy...Anyways on to the poker....my buddy Duderino AB opened up his training site - theSNGAcademy.com.....Im a lead 6 man instructor on there with a couple other 9 man/HU instructors......we're commited to hearing what the member wants and making videos around that, so Im thinking this site can become a premier sng teaching site in the near future....outside of that I also made a switch over to FTP instead of Cake for a couple reasons. #1 - the software on Cake has been having some MAJOR issues...games not popping up, freezing, etc...its been out of control so I pulled my money last week...#2 - obviously my downswing - sure my table selection wasnt the greatest but it was ridiculous how I ran on that site, considering the sngs are very soft, and Ive been a winner in AP sngs at double the stakes over 20,000 games....hopefully FTP goes a little better, but only time shall tell...Im also very excited about Cereus which launched last night - the MTT schedule looks great, and I'll be taking advantage of that..Like ive said before, MTT's really help your hourly rate...throwing 1 sng out for 1 mtt can add 20-30/hr so theres really no arguing with that. Ill be sticking to AP MTT's maybe FTP MTT's when I get more of a roll on there...Im not too sure where I am profit wise on the month, I want to say roughly 8k or so, putting me at 128k on the year - in 09 ill definitely keep track better of my profit and hourly rate....anyways everyone have a happy thanksgiving and ill be back in december with another post

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Interesting past couple of days

So the past two days I went on 5k downswing on AP...ran like shit in sngs, bubbled a bunch of 200s....today I ended up making 5400 (outside rb/bonuses/etc)...I went on a mtt tear - 2nd in 20r, 2nd in 8k, 10th in 30r....First off with the 20r - we got heads up and I ended up folding 2nd pair to a reshove on a flush draw board after assuming the player was pretty tight/passive, as he had been 4 handed...after talking with some mtters I realized it prob was a call, but what can you do.....in the 30r I had a MASSIVE stack when we were 15 handed or so.....Was sitting on about 220k at 1500/3000 with 2nd around 110k and ended up busting 10th...I was raising prob 90% of pots, and got in an all in or two against 20-30k stacks....I lost the all ins, then continued to bleed....The biggest pot was a flip where I was sitting about 150k deep at 1500/3000, another player who had been playing very aggressive and whom I thought understood how wide I was opening had about 90-95k.....Anyways, I opened to 7500 and reraised to 22,222....Before he even repopped I planned on shoving regardless of anything.....I shoved with AQ, he had JJ, I bricked out.....After this I shoved 11 bbs with 810s into his bb and he won with an ace.....Pretty sick how deep I was to bubble final table, but I thought I played the tourny well and played the bigstack like it should be....Anyways I ran hot as hell today so I cant complain - hopefully I can get into the 100k tomorrow night and get a decent cash in that one, or just ship the 150k on sat :).....I missed playing the mtts so im glad im back in em - the sng's have been getting very boring so I need something else to motivate me to put in the hours....hopefully a big score is right around the corner

Sunday, November 9, 2008

November off to a bad start

So Ive decided to mix in a 200 for every set on AP....Ive been finding them to be very profitable, and some 200s are easier than 100s that contain more regulars....it also seems that the fish are tighter and playing more scared money, so this could turn out to be very worthwhile....on cake I took a dive and started coming back......its utterly ridiculous Im the biggest loser in the 50s, but I can still use variance as an excuse.....If I hit say 5,000 games and am still in the hole then it should get very interesting.....Ive also been working alot more with SNGPT, trying to close up leaks in my game and improve in certain spots....Hopefully this week will go well and I can make a couple grand. gl me